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Mon, 20 Nov 2000 22:41:41 -0800
Randy Horton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 lines)
Hopefully, the logos and scripting will be done on my vans by Wed nite so
myself and some volunteers can leave for Vegas to picket the Meadows store.
I will be letting CJ know just before we leave so she can look for us and
start gathering support.  Everyone will be armed with a copy of Nevada law
stating the legal way too avoid breaking the laws of Nevada and still get
our point across.  I will be contacting CBS and ABC national news before I
leave to see if they are interested in documenting our adventure.  My sign
guy is making up some 2by 6 foot banners for us to hold up.  The only thing
that may slow us down is money.  I am scraping and have enough to get there
and have some friends there and in Ca that will help support us, hoping it
all comes together in time for us to leave.  I currently have 3 other
volunteers that can leave that can be gone for at least 5 days.  Anyone
that is interested between Colorado and Vegas and wants to pitch in can
call me at 303-343-6460.  And just so you all know, many so call mobsters
have big hearts and integrity and wouldn't tolerate the kind of abuse we
are hearing about in this pet store.  Fred what his name should be looking
over his shoulder for fear that his allegded fellow mobsters don't hear
about what he's doing for money.  He could end up joining some of those
animals that are laying in their own feces.  Hey Fred, you out there!
Start looking up the road where I-70 joins I-15, you'll see us coming down
the hill in the corvette yellow vans with ferret decals on them.  We wanna
have a cup a joe with you!
On another note, I posted earlier this week about two little girls that
came in and had to be rushed to vet cuz one of them, Maxine had her left
eye hanging down on her face and the right one was bulging so bad, I feared
that she had lost sight in that one too.  Well the steroids worked some, we
found no infection, just swelling glandular tissue behind the eyes.  Both
eyes were denucleated and sewn shut.  Both optical nerves were totally
seperated.  She was blind when we got her and she is still blind, but she
is very comfortable and both girls are adjusting to life in my room just
fine.  We have three blind kids in the shelter now.  One, Spock, is ten
and lives in the sick room.  He doesn't like other ferrets but is otherwise
very luvvy and he takes turns spending the nite out of his cages with a
couple of other kids that don't like other ferrets but love people.
Trouble is ten also and lives in the same room with Spock.  He likes other
ferrets and spend the nites out of his cages on nites when alot of kids are
out at nite.  Now we have Maxine and until she is comfortable finding the
liter box and food and water, she will live in my room where there are now
no ferrets living except her and her sister.  She wil be a shelter ferret
for life and if anyone would like to sponsor her and get a picture and a
note from her, her sponsor fee as with all shelter ferrets is $10 a month
or $100 a year.  She tells me what to say and Like a good shelter dad, I
take dictation.  You can go to our website to fill out the sponsor or
donation forms and yes, we do take credit cards.  any sponsorship is
greatly appreciated and is strictly used for the shelter kids only.  Yeah
well, they are kinda spoiled here.Ask Trooper( fat Trooper now) he'll
Big, can I add my two cents about personal beliefs.  I am a christian.
Have been all my life and always will be.  My mentor to the shelter
business is a pagan.  We all love her dearly.  There is a pagan group that
invites us to take the door at their annual craft sale where we collect the
door fee for the shelter and they kick back a percentage of their sales to
the shelter.  Many of my volunteers are jewish as well as a couple of the
vets I use and get donations from.  One of my very long term volunteers
is gay.  And quite a few of my friends and volunteers are atheists.
I have friends and clients who are muslims and buhddists(sp?) and folks
from all over the world send us donations to help the fuzzies.  And my
biggest comment to the world of ferrets is, The Ferretguy and the Ferretgal
(my wonderful wife Gloria) get so much credit and media coverage for what
goes on here at Especially Ferrets Inc., acclaimed by many to be the
largest and most productive shelter for ferrets on the planet earth, when
in reality, it is the people who come here, regardless of their race,
creed, lifestyles and religion to help support us in our effort to help
what we all have in common....our love for the ferrets.
When one of my clients says may allah bless you or asks for father winter
to protect me or I say may god bless you, none of us are ever offended!  I
have yet to see anyone on the fml grabbed by the arm and told you have to
believe this way.  Until this happens, what is the real problem?  And
furthermore, as long as my heart continues to beat, may my love for each
and everyone of those wonderful people that believes in my wife and I and
our mission, follow you through your lives and may we all continue to be
enriched by your love and kindness that you show to us through all the
years we exist, regardless of your lifestyle and /or religious beliefs.
Without you, we could not possibly be what we are today.
Our website address is www.especiallyferrets.org
Hugs to all of you and the furrkids,
[Posted in FML issue 3243]