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Mon, 20 Nov 2000 12:13:01 -0600
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
I believe that when people take the time to send condolences to those
that have lost a beloved family member, they really do care and they are
reaching out to that person with heartfelt love in a way that they hope
will help to heal the hurt.  That doesn't mean that those that don't
respond don't care but perhaps they feel the pain of your loss silently.
When someone responds to our losses, I know it is because they care about
the little ones and about me too and they want to share their feelings.  If
they respond with something I don't believe in, I don't take it negatively,
I take it as in the spirit it is given, with love, even though it may be
different than what I believe.
When I wrote happenings at Rainbow Bridge I was torn on sending it because
some people may not believe (I won't say my beliefs, we'll just leave them
a mystery :-)) but it is my way of showing I care, whether you believe or
not.  I hope that those that don't believe do realize that and please don't
take it negatively.
I hope I haven't boggled this message but if I have, to put it more
clearly - it's all about love and caring for and about each other and our
little ones.
Warm gentle hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3243]