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Sun, 12 Nov 2000 13:33:51 PST
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Well, we are back from Orlando and I am catching up on my FMLs.
Thank you to James Higins for inviting me to visit!  I did not have any
time, and just got your message.  I did manage to get a ferret fix - in an
odd place.  While my hubby and I were walking down a street in downtown
Orlando (dance club haven), I noticed a bunch of people who had pit bulls
on leashes, so I walked over.  Low and behold, one of the guys had his
dark-eyed white ferret (MF, male).  His name is Chago and he is such a
sweet little guy (six months).  I think there was some amazement that a
"tourist" knew so much about ferrets.  If Chago's daddy is reading this,
thank you for letting me get my ferret fix.  It was great!  Unfortunately,
it made me miss mine even more and I started tearing up over it.  Thank
goodness I only had two more days until I got home.
To Lisette: I am sorry that you are experiencing unpleasantness from that
source.  I am not surprised.  You and I share similar beliefs and ideas
about ferretry, and I enjoy reading every single one of your posts!  You
are right on about the spread of disease at shows, etc... Keep on writing
the excellent posts and ignore those two people who cannot seem to agree
to disagree in a civil manner.  You have my support.
To Kevin and the Kewl Critter crew: Thank you for taking Sierra in.  I know
that you are the very best home that she could possibly find.  You are so
devoted and loving AND NON-JUDGEMENTAL!
My ferrets are very happy to see me!  Apparently, Cleo decided to venture
up Grandpa's pant leg and she got stuck.  When Grandma went to assist in
pulling her out, she bit Grandpa on the back of his knee (ouch!) Grandpa is
okay and VERY HAPPY that she only ventured that far LOL!  Cleo and Grandpa
have had some disagreements in the past, but they were getting along fine,
so I guess she just made a mistake in her quest for climbing.
I sure am glad I missed the whole Sandee debate.  I will say that although
I don't read those posts (they make me cry), I do appreciate the comfort
those posts obviously bring to so many torn hearts.  Grammar does not
matter, it is content that is important.  You do care and take lots of
time to write and keep track of everything - just to bring comfort to those
in need.  Keep it up!
There goes a sock and a washcloth.  I think they really missed me.  Grandma
wouldn't let them in our room, so they are making up for lost time.  Little
Happy to be home.
[Posted in FML issue 3235]