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Fri, 10 Nov 2000 11:05:21 -0500
Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Condolences to those wtih lost, sick, or angeled Bandit Treats bandits
(BRING that box back here RIGHT NOW!)...
I'm shocked!  Completely, thoroughly and totally shocked!  Now, would
someone get this live electric wire off of me?  *Thank* you!  Now, on wit
the story!
My cat, Puffy, hates cat treats (such as Pounce Cat Treats).  The ferrets
love his cat treats, though! :)  Puffy, however, L-O-V-E-S ferret treats!
Last night, as the large bunch got out for their let's-tear-up-the-house
time and they all crowded around my feet, begging for snacks, I noticed
something odd.  One of them seems *terribly* large...until I realized
that it was my cat!  He was dancing around amonst the rest of the clowns,
meowing for his treat, too!  His favorite is the Bandit Treats, but he also
likes the 8-in-one Chicken, and the Banana-Raisin treats!  He won't bother
with the peanut-butter-flavored chips...but then, several of the ferrets
don't like them, either!
This morning, I gave Taz a teaspoonful of the 8-in-one canned ferret food
(with ferretone!), as he seems to like this treat.  He was munching away
happily, when Puffy suddenly rushed up, swatted him on the nose and started
eating his treat!  Taz immediately retaliated, biting his tail, nipping his
toes and attacking other well-known spots.  Though he got Puffy to holler
and move for a moment, that darned cat ran right back to the food and
started eating again!  I ended up giving Taz another spoonful, while
keeping an eye on the cat.  Puffy happily ate the rest of Taz's first
treat, while Taz quickly finished off his new dose.  I guess the cat is
finally getting even for all the stuff the ferrets steal from him!
Oh, another cute thing happened last night.  Puffy (the cat) has a ball
that he likes to bat around the house (even in the dark, he can find and
play with this dark blue ball!).  Last night, while Chewy was out and
about, Puffy was playing with his ball.  Now, Puffy and Chewy will play
together, often, but I never saw *this* happen!  Puffy swatted the ball
and it went sailing clear down the length of the living room.  Chewy chased
it down, then cup-scooted (where he stands over it, then cups his front
feet around it and scoots backwards) it back to Puffy, then moved over to
wait for Puffy to swat it, so he could chase it down again!  They kept this
up for almost 15 minutes.  How on earth did *either* of them find something
this silly, so entertaining as to keep it up for so long???
Todd and the (Is he a CAT, or a FERRET?) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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