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Tue, 7 Nov 2000 17:15:20 -0800
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I guess I upset you by ignoring your private letters so you decided to
bring it into public so I will answer this one just once.
A little less than a year ago Sandee sent her first message and I grant you
it was a little hard to understand.  At that time there was a lot of polite
constructive criticism about how she wrote.  A few letters later and a few
suggestions were made and a style of writing was developed that everyone at
the time could live with but was her own individual style.  Thereafter for
almost 8 months that is the style she has used and no one complained except
you.  Now I am open to constructive criticism on how she could do better
but I don't consider that constructive although it is criticism.
Sandee's posts are normally for only a few persons at a time.  If others
read them, like them, and enjoy them that is an added bonus but that is not
the original intent.  The intent is to help the person or persons that she
has written them to though a difficult time.  If they help that person or
persons then she has acomplished what she intended and if not then she did
her best.
Since your criticism was not constructive but destructive in nature I will
go back to ignoring it as I was before.  Bill has been so kind in posting
the messages she sends to him on the FML and has done a great job of
covering over some of Sandee's not so perfect messages.  As long as people
still request she post and Bill continues to post them and she will
continue to send them the way she has in the past.
As it is a free country and a free FML you are entitled to your opinion and
are free to post it here on the FML.  But you have posted it and I have
posted my opinion as well and now the subject as far as I am concerned is
closed.  I am sorry if you don't like that but there are many things in
your life you will not like, just consider this one of many.
One last thing.  I think Bill has done an outstanding job on the FML and I
don't get enough chance to say it.  Keep up the good work Bill.
Sorry this post is so long
Have a great day.
Sandee's human
PS.  In case you didn't get what meant here it is in two sentences.  If you
don't like it dont read it.  If you don't like it and don't read it I won't
lose any sleep over it.
[Posted in FML issue 3230]