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Fri, 3 Nov 2000 21:01:35 EST
"Susan D." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
>Anyway does anyone have any information on pet therapy with special needs
>children, or on ferrets being used for pet therapy.
Hi Wolfy,
I don't know of any articles, but I do pet therapy twice a month at nursing
homes and a hospital with my ferrets.  I thought I'd share with the FML in
case anyone else has thought about doing this.
I have two good "ambassador" ferrets that I take to pet therapy, but I've
been using the one, Ares, a lot lately.  He will lay still and let the
residents hold him and pet him as long as they want.  When we first get to
the nursing home or hospital, I walk him around outside for a few minutes
for a potty break.  Then we go in and just kind of mosey around from door
to door.  He's very patient and wonderful with the residents.  They love
seeing him peeking out of the snuggle sack I wear.  There are several
regulars that he sees, and one lady has treats for him when we visit.
During the holidays, he's either wearing his antlers or santa hat and
drawing a crowd.  I also find myself educating many workers and visitors
along the way, answering a lot of the same questions we (ferret people)
hear all the time.
All of us involved in pet therapy provided copies of rabies certificates
Insurance information: I do these visits through a group I'm involved with
that supports the local county shelters.  We go representing that group.
Our membership is $5 a year, and that covers us for insurance purposes when
we're out doing things with the animals, like pet therapy.
If there's anything I can help you with, just holler.  If I run across any
articles, I'll be sure to share with you.
Susan D.
[Posted in FML issue 3226]