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Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:13:03 -0700
Marie Schatz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
My 5.5 yr old sprite has suddenly started sleeping all the time- far far
more than is her usual.  She is also pee'ing what seems to be rather larger
quantities that usual and perhaps more often - I don't see her drinking
more but the water in the dish seems to go down much faster and I'm pretty
sure its not Boris.  I checked the FAQ's - she has no weight loss, doesn't
seem to have hind end weakness, no seizures, drooling, vacant spells.  Just
sleeping and peeing.  When she is up she seems fine.
Could this be cardiomyopethy?(sp) Of course after reading the posts about
renal failure I'm wondering about that too.  Or is insulinoma like diabetes
with the increased thirst?  So confused!
I will be taking her to the vet but he usually looks to me for direction
quite frankly.  With just these too symptoms I'm not sure where to start.
We have had an unusually warm fall so I am still taking the kids out for
their walks in the brush - but they don't like it as much - one is lack of
lush cover which always makes them nervous, but I think its coupled with
the noise of all the leaves.  I think since their eyesight is so bad they
rely on their ears a lot and all the crunch noises interfere's.  I have
found that they LOVE to go out at that transitional dark time in the
morning (or evening).  They feel much more comfortable and don't always
zoom to cover - they get really wound - but of course I dont like it
because its harder and scarier for me.
Just to mention - my ferrets love Freeze Dried Chicken Treats for dogs by
Gimborn.  They eat way too much of these I know but Boris is particular
will scratch and actually start nipping (only time he does that) if denied.
They probably aren't bad for a treat but they do have a high salt content -
Contents; Chicken Meat, Salt, Socium tripolyphosphate, natural flavorings,
mixed tocopherosl and citric acid.  Crude Protein no less than 53%.  Crude
fat not less than 33%, Crude Fiber not more than 1.25%, Moisture not more
than 4.25%.  They have been eating these for a long time - over a year -
along with TF and MF ferret food.
"For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts;
even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other;
yea they have all one breath;
so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast:
for all is vanity. "
Ecclesiastes 3:19
[Posted in FML issue 3219]