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Fri, 27 Oct 2000 04:06:53 -0500
text/plain (52 lines)
I am sorry; I had meant to post this in time for last night's FML but
missed the deadline due to illness (I have a pneumonia I can't shake,
probably due to the immune suppressants I take for my autoimmunity problem;
tomorrow I get to spend the day at the hospital getting IV antibiotics.
Dear FML;
Because of continued obsessive harassment from a single individual, I have
elected to remove myself from the FML with the following exceptions.  I
have made a promise to post some book recommendations, on shelter and club
issues, on championship shows, and the food comparison I started (which
may take awhile, but it will be finished and posted when done).  Once
those commitments are finished, I shall have Bill remove my name from the
membership rolls.  In the meantime, I will stop reading the FML, so if you
have anything to say to me, better send it to me direct.  I may still be
privately contacted, I will be active on the FOB List, and of course, the
Geeks list will still be functioning, so it is not as if I have fallen off
the edge of the planet.
I will not comment on this matter except to say I am greatly saddened and I
will miss the FML, and that this decision, while final as long as the
problem exists, was an extremely difficult one to make.  If you want any
other information, I suggest you search the FML archives and read between
the lines, or ask someone who has been here for some time.  Do not ask me;
I will simply trash the email.  Do not attempt to reconcile the situation;
I am not interested and mediation is impossible.  Please to not attempt to
ask me for details; in four years the only people I have EVER spoken to
about it have been those that have been first told by the other person
involved and I was directly asked, or because it was necessary for obvious
reasons of personal security or privacy.  I did make a general statement of
the problem on the APF a couple of days ago due to specific charges being
leveled, but that was a one-time explanation to a specific unsolicited
attack by the person involved, and I will not repeat it here.  I am sure
that the person guilty of harassing me will be more than happy to fill the
needs of cybervoyeurs.
I will make a single comment:
"If you want to know the truth, look at the pattern, where even shadows
reflect what is behind them....it is the only way to tell if the data are
lying, which they frequently do quite handily."
Charles Darwin's personal papers, 1863.
Bob C and 15 Mo' Fursnakes.
[Moderator's note: Likewise, it's probably not appropriate to discuss
Bob's reasons for leaving on the FML as I would consider the topic to be
personal and not ferret-related.  (No, he has not spoken to me about his
decision to leave but it's not the FML's job to second-guess him).  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3219]