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Thu, 26 Oct 2000 12:11:20 -0500
Marta Towne <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
It is with the deepest pain and grief I write to tell you about the loss of
Whiskey Sour.  He was a breeder ferret, born in 1996, who came to us from
the FuzzButt Hut in Michigan almost 2 years ago, a panda who was regarded
as a bad biter and who came to my shelter for intensive rehab, but who
decided upon leaving his carrier that my then 9 year old daughter Deanna
was his soulmate.  He left his carrier after driving all the way from
Michigan and climbed into her arms, gripped her finger with his paw and
went to sleep.  Thus Whiskey came here to live.
Deanna didn't like the name Whiskey, so she always called him Whiskers,
not that he cared.  You could call him anything, except late for dinner.
He never bit, as a matter of fact, others who knew him BD (before Deanna)
always wanted to know what drug we kept him on...but the only drug was
Love.  Whiskers had a great life BD, he came out everyday to play, had good
food, lots of love and attention, I think he was happy here.  He certainly
loved Deanna.
The day before yesterday, we noticed his eye was swollen and so was his
belly, you could feel his spleen.  To the vet we went.  He was started on
antibiotics and his beloved Deanna sat up with him all that night offering
him baby food, duck soup and water every hour; but it was not to be.  At
10:30 am yesterday morning, in the arms of his soulmate, Whiskey SOur, AKA
Whiskers passed on to the bridge, his paw wrapped around Deanna's finger
the same way it was when he chose her.
Of course, Deanna is grief striken, and the other ferrets can't seem to
figure out where their Hammoc warmer is.  But at least he is happy and out
of pain now.
Sandee....could you be on the lookout for a Panda ferret ?  He never could
seem to get the idea on Wardancing down here, he would bounce and fall
over to his side.  Maybe you could set him up with a teacher there?  Let
Whiskers know that his SOulmate cries constantly...and his brothers and
sisters miss him.  ANd his Mama wishes like everything that she could have
saved him.  And that we all love him so deeply, always and forever.
Thanks for listening....and hug your furbabies...their time here is way
to short.
Fuzzy Kisses Ferret SHelter
Mamma of Pepper, SolT, Cinnimon, Suger, Spice, Curry, Romeo, Mindi and
Deanna, SOulmate to SolT and Curry
Missing Whiskers SOOOOO much
[Posted in FML issue 3218]