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Thu, 26 Oct 2000 20:31:05 -0500
Larry & Gayle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
This was sent to us, we can't take anymore ferrets in, we don't have the
room.  Duane tells me he is about 2 hours south of the Minnesota border
in Buchannan County, Iowa
To Whom it may Concern,
Hello, I have a 2 yr old pitch Jill, her name is Slinky, she is a very
docile girl, as the only time she bites is when she is playing, and then it
isn't very hard, (doesn't break skin, or hurt).  She has a Homemade 2 story
cage, and breeder box that goes with her, the box is slid in one end of the
lower cage.  She still goes into heat, but have been taking care of it in
alternative ways, as we cannot find a suitable Hobb to breed with, so if
she is Spayed or not is anyones guess.  She also has a large ball to play
in, (the clear plastic ones) and that I usualy put her in to clean her
cage.  The only reason I want to find a new home for Slinky is, I have
embarked into a new career, (Web Design, time consuming), and wife Babysits
in Ferret Free Home.  So our time is not as free as it used to be to play,
and help her to get exercise.  She also Loves to ride in the car, as she
normaly rode either in my Hooded sweatshirt (hood), or in my wifes shirt,
she would curl up and sleep in either, and awaken when we got there
(whereever we went) and do her thing in the grass close by, (on her leash,
which also goes with her) and we would then carry her into whereever we
went.  (that caused some looks at Target, expecaly when she would peek out
of Hood), also cause some to look twice when she peeked out of wifes shirt,
and was under Wifes chin..... She is a Doll, everyone loves her, and we
want to see her go where she will be able to play, and romp the way she
used to...
Thank-you for your time to read,
Duane R. Swenka
[Posted in FML issue 3218]