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Wed, 25 Oct 2000 01:29:28 GMT
Kalaine Tarantelli <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (73 lines)
I haven't posted in a while.  My name is Kalaine, and I have two female
ferrets aged two Jezzy-belle, and Taz-arina.
Taz has had some trouble breathing.  I have had a cold, so I assumed it
was a cold.  She has been off and on the pink drops.  On Sat. she started
gasping and grinding her teeth.  I couldn't get a vet apt.  until today
10/24/2000.  We took taz in, and when the vet looked at the back of her
throat I gasped.  It was so raw it appeared to be bleeding.  She told me
that Taz had to go back on the drops bec.  it was a virus.  (I tried
suggesting maybe it was ulcers and could I give her pepto, or pepcid).  I
remembered that the last time we were there another vet gave Taz a shot of
cortizone.  Her throat improved much quicker and she was able to go to hard
foods sooner.  I just thought about the pain she was in she could barely
drink water.  I suggested the shot.
Taz screamed and bit me while the doctor was giving her the shot.(That has
never happened before.  Taz usually sits there when she gets shots as if
nothing is happening.) When we were in the pay area Taz was fidigiting
really roughly in the carry sack.  Usually she sits up w/ her head poked
out.  She didn't do it this time.  She seemed to be having a hard time
positioning herself.
When we got to the car Taz couldn't use her hind legs.  I had put her down
infront of me.  She usually sniffs the car carpet before we go, and then I
put her in a carry case.  I rushed back into the vet, and they tried pain
on her toes, and she didn't pull back, they also put a towel down, and she
uses her front legs fine, but she rocks her back from side to side.  She
can't use her rear legs at all.
The vet told me to take her home tonight and try to keep her calm, try not
to let her move.  (have you ever seen a ferret that doesn't want to move).
She keeps dragging herself around in a circle in the cage.  She told me to
bring her back in the morning if she isn't walking at 6 am.  I don't know
what to do.  She said we might have to take Taz to a nuerologist.  I told
her I can't afford it.  I am still tapped from the 3,000 dollar bills from
last X-mas when both girls had ECE.
The vet didn't apologize or admit any wrong doing.  I didn't freak out
(I really wanted to).  I don't think I should have to pay for anything
regarding this paralysis.  I think the vet should cover the bill.  I don't
even want to take her back there.  I think they should even pay for me to
take her someplace else.  Does anyone have any advice?  Do vets have
malpractice insurance.  I don't want to sue them.  I just want them to
pay for any treatment regarding this paralysis.  I took her in for a sore
throat, and came out w/ a ferret who can't walk.
She isn't the cuddle type.  She likes to roam, and inspect things.  My
hardest challenge is trying to make things look new for her so she won't
get board.  Any suggestions on what to do w/ Jezzy?  She is looking all
over for Taz.  She likes to cuddle and play.  I know Taz would attack
Jez if I tried to put them together.  I don't think it is best.  Please
someone send me some advice..... I feel responsible for this.
I suggested the shot bec. Taz couldn't eat last night.  I had to give her
one piece of food at a time.  I didn't mind.  I was just so happy she was
eating.  I just didn't like the pain she was in and the shot the last time
took that away, now she is in more mental pain than the physical pain she
was in.
My husband keeps telling me it isn't my fault.  I can't remember where the
last doctor gave her the shot (if it was in the hind area or the neck area)
I wish I could.
Does anyone have any advice on how to play or help ferrets with hind-leg
paralysis?  Also, any advice on what I should or could be doing.  Please
don't attack me.  I feel really bad.  I need advice to help my ferret.
Mean words won't help anyone.
Thank you in advance, and I will respond to everyone who answers me.
[Posted in FML issue 3216]