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Fri, 20 Oct 2000 23:30:45 +1300
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Hi Tanya, you wrote:
>In my opinion showing is it's own form of animal abuse and simply an
>owners own ego.  Animals were never created to be the "perfect" specimen.
>It has been mankind that has taken this *hobby* to limits of overbreeding,
>inbreeding, and proliferation for the sake of the perfect animal.
I can only offer my own opinion of how some people see shows... Sure,
some people only go to shows to "show off" their animals (whether bred by
themselves, from shelters or pet stores) Some people only go to get ribbons
so they can sell the babies they breed at a higher price.  However some
people attend shows because a show with a good standard (which means
judging on health, including a conformation which is best for the animal,
condition, and temperament) *promotes* good breeding practices, in that
the only ones who win should be the ones who are the healthiest, most
ferrety ferrets there.  A well-run ferret show also promotes ferret
education, with information and a place for prospective ferret owners to
come and learn about these little guys without actually having to buy one
and find out the hard way that ferrets may not be for them.
If the ferrets were left untended, or badly tended, while they were on the
way to/from or at the show, if they were handled excessively by too many
people, if they were subjected to the stress of having their 'personal
territory' invaded (e.g.  someone throwing strange ferrets in their
carrier) then it can be stressful for the ferrets.  Heavens, even taking a
ferret who isn't used to being outside into the garden can be considered
"abuse" if you're looking at it that closely.
Personally, I choose not to take my ferrets to what excuses for shows there
are here in New Zealand.  I have a couple of ferrets who like new places,
and enjoy meeting new people, and if I had time, I'd be more likely to
consider it... however, it's a personal choice that I don't attend, and I
see the 'shows' (which are more fun days than true shows here) as being a
great education tool for ferret owners and non-ferret owners alike.
>I find it to be a conflict of interest when a rescue/shelter also
>participates in breeding.  On one hand you're trying to save an
>abuse/neglected animal then you're turning around and putting one right
>back on the street.  No matter how diligent you try to find the "right"
>homes, one will always fall through.  That one is now the one you have to
>save thru your rescue/shelter door.  Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
If I understand this, shelters should not be allowed to breed?  If I may
ask, does this mean that breeders should not be allowed to shelter?  I
mean, after all, if they shelter at all then they shouldn't breed, right?
I'm sorry, I don't really understand this line of thought.
I know of one shelter (who was breeding a *small* number of litters) who
was told point blank that she had to give up breeding because she was a
shelter and shelters shouldn't breed.  Enough people harassed this person
that she finally threw up her hands and said "Fine!" - there is now one
less shelter because of this stance.  This person had been dealt constant
harassment because people decided that they knew better than she did.  She
had bloodlines specifically brought in for their robust health, brilliant
conformation, and overall good temperament.  Should she have neutered those
ferrets simply because people believed that it was bad to breed and shelter
at the one place?
I do not know of a *single* shelter in an area with high turn-ins who also
breeds.  Now, I know of some shelters who breed small time, I know of some
breeders who shelter as required, and I know of breeders and shelters who
do just exclusively one or the other.  What each individual is capable of
handling, in my opinion, is what they will *generally* do.  Admittedly,
some people can go overboard, however these people do tend to be in the
minority, and usually close down in a relatively short time because of a
lack of income (breeding and sheltering *both* suck up money like sponges
in a puddle)
It's a shame that some breeders and shelters who are so gung-ho can create
problems further down the line for others when they suddenly realise they
can't handle it.  This isn't a shelter problem, nor a breeder problem, nor
even a breeder/shelter problem combined... it's an individual who screwed
up and unfortunately, it's invariably the ferrets who take the fall.
I've been breeding small time for years, and on occasion I've sheltered
ferrets who have needed it.  Personally, I only ever started breeding
because I love ferrets.  I lose a heck of a lot of money per litter, always
have - it's par for the course - so I sure didn't do it for the money.  As
a result, if a ferret ever needed help, I was more than happy to take it in
if need be.  Does this classify me, or any other breeder who does the same,
as both breeder and shelter?  If so, does it make us bad people?
>Now getting back to the FML and postings.  I find it offensive that
>the breeders on the board continuously bash one another when I feel
>they're all guilty animal abuse.  We all have our own opinions of what's
>considered a *beautiful/gorgeous/perfect* ferret.  But to me the
>*beautiful/gorgeous/perfect* ferret is the one that is healthy, happy,
>and well cared for.  I think we should all rethink our actions and motives.
>If you're going to be a breeder than breed, but don't go around defaming
>all other breeders because they do not conform to "your" standards.
I agree that things can get hotheaded wherever there are discussions which
people feel passionate about.  For breeders, breeding is one of those
things which is a hot button.  So far, while I've seen a lot of speculation
which could have been better left by directly contacting the people
concerned and having someone visibly eye-ball the place, there hasn't been
much in the way of true "flames" that I've seen.  No real 'breeder bashing'
other than honest questions about ferrets which other breeders (and
individuals) have had experience with and heard about for years.
A concern was raised, unfortunately, because no-one has, as yet, taken a
look at the place concerned, and the people who are being discussed either
do not know about this discussion or have decided not to reply, it's human
nature to continue to speculate and for concern to rise.  This debate has
had responses from both viewpoints and has thus far been civil.  Bill has
been gracious enough to lump all the breeder posts in one section, which
makes it easier to completely skip, if you so choose.  I'm sure many people
have plain skipped over my response already, since it's part of the whole
"breeder debate".
So far, I've kept out of the breeder debate, since I've had no comments
to make either for or against the Coles, Two Pole Pumpkin, or Kit and
Caboodle.  However, on the posts in general, and on the shelter/breeder
comments, I feel that I can make a semi- understandable post, and hope that
I can show you a different point of view, and hopefully help you understand
why some others feel differently about what you are obviously also very
passionate about.
I can understand your viewpoint, even if I don't necessarily share it.  It
shows that you care, which is always a wonderful thing.
[Posted in FML issue 3212]