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Wed, 18 Oct 2000 08:48:06 -0400
"Hawkins, Melanie S Ms HJF" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Stephanie wrote about giving a ferret meds:
Have you tried the liquid Prednisone?  I've found that with some ferrets,
the liquid of anything is easier.  I slide the syringe down into the corner
of the mouth with ferret scruffed and the head tipped up, and squeeze.
I then keep the head up and stroke the throat, causing an involuntary
swallowing.  Follow with a treat.  I haven't found one yet that I couldn't
get a least most of the dose into that way.  You might also want to talk to
your vet about using an injectable of some sort.
I have two old farts at home that are medicated 3 times a day.  Normie has
heart disease and Gizmo has some kidney and sugar problems.  I find the
easiest way to give all meds (pill and liquid form) to them is to put it in
duck soup.  They love that stuff and don't even know that they are getting
meds.  Gizmo is on prednisone (liquid)and when I use to give it to him
directly (not in their recipe)he would have a fit.  He would shake the
liquid right out of his mouth.  So, I had to figure out an easier way to do
it that was less stressful on us both.  It's easy really.  All you do is
soak their food in water(mine eat Totally Ferret for Older Ferrets)until
it's soft, place it in the blender with some strawberry Ensure, and other
goodies if you want.  Gizmo gets turkey baby food and some brewers yeast in
his and Normie just gets TF, a little strawberry Ensure, and lots of water.
Put the recipe in ice cube trays after it's blended real well, put in
freezer, and take them out when you need them.  My guys go crazy over the
stuff and think that I am giving them treats 3 times a day.  Actually,
Gizmo knows when he gets the recipe each day, and if I am a little late
giving it to him he finds me and begs me for it.  Cute little guy!  Hope
this helps.
Melanie S. Hawkins and the gang (Giz, Normie, and Moser)
[Posted in FML issue 3210]