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Print Reply
Sun, 15 Oct 2000 03:00:50 GMT
Richmond Ferret Rescue League <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Dear Readers,
Concerning the debate between the Killians and Dee, We feel, as a shelter,
that the Killians are absolutely correct in their opinions concerning
"hobby breeders" and "back-yard breeders".  It is a shame that Dee could
not grasp the concept of the different aspects of breeders.  We respect
those "hobby breeders" who strive to improve and care properly for the
ferrets.  Hobbyist's generally are very knowledgeable about their passions
and their object is to breed in a way that most benefits ferrets and
Personally, I feel that the Killians had every right to defend and expound
their definitions.  Anyone who disagreed with the definitions COULD have
responded directly to the Killians instead of posting to the FML.  Enough
said.  Shame that controversies bore and upset some readers.  WE enjoy
learning different points of view and often see a new slant to a unanswered
situation.  We appreciate the FML and Bill Gruber's work is wonderful.
However, I wouldn't mind a little controversy about ferret topics from the
FML- I like to see different points of view.  Not weeks of personal posts
from friends who have attended a ferret function together, recapping how
they had dinner, who sat next to each other and so on. I did not learn one
single thing concerning ferrets from these posts, other than who shared
whom's room at the hotel.
Thank you for allowing us to post what we feel most benefits ferrets and
thier owners.
Marlene Blackburn
Richmond Ferret Rescue League
Richmond, VA
804-271-9591   N
[Posted in FML issue 3206]