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Fri, 13 Oct 2000 19:09:16 +0100
Ann Badnadge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I too had a problem with the back of the cooker when I had my first furkid
and she was small enough to get under and around to the back of and then
into the inside of the cooker.  My hubby and I came up with the solution of
getting some metal mesh from a D.I.Y.  shop and screwing it onto the back
of the cooker useing the existing screws and holes to secure it all in
place and yes it works the other four furkids that have arrived by stealth
into our home and hearts have never been able to get into the silver
lineing that they can see.  hope that this helps with your problem.
the other problem that has come up on FML was the frightening experience
of S.N.D. that is apparently common in ferrets that are safe and secure...
Sleeping Not Dead is so frightening for an owner but not harmfull to
ferrets and when it happened to me I ended up in tears.  I too found my
new hob Rollie hanging over the edge of his hammock ,, his one eye was open
but glazed..I called him... I prodded him ..  there was no responce ..
I grabed him and he just fell limply into my hands.... Oh no my husband
said ..  I think he is dead..  I cradled my little Rollie in my arms and
the tears run down my cheeks ....My poor little darling ..dead.
With that my poor little dead darling came very close to being murdered
as he slowly stretched out..  gave a wide long yawn and opened his eyes
fully...I swear that he was laughing at me.  according to hubby ..That darn
furkid was so deeply asleep that he could have been eaten and not realised
that anything was wrong until he popped out the other end.  I didn't know
what SND was until I got onto my friend Karen ,Who has seven fur kids and
she informed me what it was and then reassured me that all was well and
that she had had it happen to her twice.  We can laugh now , but not then ,
hope that this will help.....
Eggy Annie
[Posted in FML issue 3205]