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Sun, 8 Oct 2000 23:47:54 -0400
PAT ANDREWS <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
I was one of the luck bunch that attended Ferrets 2000.  It was an exciting
event for me...one where I met many of the people I'd avidly read the posts
of since joining the fml back when I got a computer at work.
Besides socializing, I learned so much practical ferret information.
Unfortunately, I had to prove to be the exception to statement Dr. Williams
made.  While discussing vaccines he announced he used Galaxy-D for
distemper protection for his personal ferrets because of the low incidence
of reactions.  A friend and I ordered a box and the other day it was my
crew's turn to get caught up.
Since I don't drive I didn't want to be alone...just in case of reaction
when every minute can count.  My friend Barb and I elected not to vaccinate
Eponine...the ferret I spoke about frequently while at Ferrets 2000....
my latest rescue that came to me frighteningly emaciated, with hind end
paralysis, and a craving for life.  After having her a week and finding
that she was even eating less I made an appointment w/ Ruth Heller, one of
the more knowledgeable ferret vets in the Pittsburgh area and said "I
think it's time to open her up."  Inside we found a piece of balloon in her
stomach, a diseased adrenal, a fatty liver, and "wierd" intestines.
Eponine's still not eating on her own (anyone else have to force feed a
ferret for over two months?) so we felt she might not be physically up to
handling the vaccine.  (A special thanks here to Troy Lynn and Chris for
all the suggestions and moral support they offered after hearing me speak
to Dr. Williams about her.)
Because of this, that made six ferrets to "do."  As luck would have it,
we did Whisper last.  She was the hardest.  She fought and it took two
attempts to get the whole dose in her.  In a few minutes we heard
retching...it was her.  She vomited, first foam and then blood tinged foam.
I dosed her w/ pediatric benedryl and put her in Eponine's cage so that I
could keep a close eye on her.  Barb and I noticed that she seemed
nauseous, complete w/ grinding teeth...so I administered some pepto to
sooth her tummy as well.
Barb stuck around until Whisper responded positively to the benedryl and
pepto, and the next morning she was fine, thank heaven.
My questions to Dr. Williams is this...could the reaction havae been caused
more from being stressed than the actual vaccine?  Should I now never
vaccinate her again or could I safely go back to Fervac?  Should I notify
the makers of Galaxy-D of the reaction?
Thanks so much in advance for your advice.
Pat and the Furry Inspirations
[Posted in FML issue 3200]