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Wed, 4 Oct 2000 16:53:18 -0400
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Love and Dooks to all the sick or unhappy.  May you be well soon.  More
Dooks and hugs to the healthy and happy.  May you continue to be so.
>lost the use of her hind limbs literally overnight.  She gets around OK
>but frequently loses control of her bowels and urine.  She has some
>movement in her back limbs because when i scruff her she kicks them but
>she cant support her weight on them.
My Allie used to lose feeling in her hind section.  The first time it was
complete...being pricked with a pin, she felt nothing.  The seizures became
more frequent as I was simply baffled as to what it could be.  I later
found out that she was having seizures due to insulinoma.  Seizures in
ferts, my vet says, can range from paraiysis (temporary) to full out
kicking screaming fits.  Especially at 3-4 yrs, I would check her blood
sugar.  Or, the next time it happens, maybe get some caro syrup into her
and see if that helps.  I AM NOT A VET I only offer advice based on
personal experience.
Might be something to look into, though.
Kim, lucky to be loved by Jerry and Stimy, and further by Allie, Scarlet,
and Stripe who wait for us at the bridge.
[Posted in FML issue 3194]