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Sun, 1 Oct 2000 19:57:51 -0500
Ron Fraser <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
It has now been several weeks since I removed the two ferrets from their
old situation.  The male, whom we have named Gizmo, is doing great, his
weight is up and he romps and plays with most of the rest of our group (we
are still integrating them into the group), the female is also doing well
and has put on weight, she will stand in front of the refrigerator and wait
for us to heat up some chicken gravy for her (she loves to be hand fed by
my wife and daughters).
The concept of cheap/inexpensive ferrets escapes me, any pet is what used
to be called a Chinese Obligation, you have accepted that the care of that
animal is a life long commitment and that you as the owner will make
any sacrifice possible for that animal, this means that any pet owner
undergoing financial or personal hardship deserves our support and help
if they are doing all they can for the animals needs, they should never
be abused, called names or harrassed because they can't afford expensive
treatment at some time in their pets life, the grief and tortured self
recrimination they are already experiencing is torment enough.  When we got
our first pet many long, dark years ago we deceided that what ever it took
for the animal, they didn't make the decision we did, there have been times
where we have eaten macaroni and cheese for a week so that the animal could
have something they needed instead, all of our pets are members of our
family and are treated as such, the joy and happiness they have brought
into our lives have a value beyond money.
We like the FML the way it is, with the little stories and all, to us the
FML is like a giant electronic back fence where you and your neighbors
get together to chat about both the big things and the little joys, when
someone looses a beloved pet and they share it with the rest of us it helps
the grieving proccess of the owner and keeps a little part of the lost pet
alive in all of our hearts.
We have nine ferrets right now and have over the years lost three more,
some were pet shop purchases, some were from shelters, some were rescues
and each and every one is loved by us in ways that words can never
describe, yes we have probable spent more money on them than some would
think is wise, but our children have wanted for nothing and our lives and
theirs are all the richer for the exerience.
Ron, Shawn, Bridgette, Kira, Sassy (the fercat), Tigger, Pooh-bear,
Kanga, Slinky, Onion, Latka, Rikki-tiki-ohwhattastytoes, Gizmo and CeCe
and the ones who wait at the bridge  Pooh, Zule and Little Miss Simka.
[Posted in FML issue 3192]