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Thu, 28 Sep 2000 08:37:17 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
My husband and I recently bought a board game called Wiz-Wars.  It's a very
silly game.  Each player is a wizard, and the point of the game is to make
your way through a maze of corridors while stealing treasures and casting
annoying spells on your opponents.  The game came with some blank cards
that we could use to make up our own spells.  What better thing to do with
the blanks than to create... Fuzz-Wars!  Here are some obnoxious spells we
think our ferrets would cast on each other if they had magical powers.
Spaz Spell: You make your opponent spaz out.  Your opponent must move six
squares, each time in a random direction (determined by a roll of the
dice).  Bouncing off of a wall or door counts as a movement.
Flea Spell: You give your opponent fleas!  Your opponent receives one point
of damage during each of the next four turns.  On any turn, your opponent
may save himself from damage by giving up all movement and scratching
himself instead.
Scruff Spell: When your opponent attempts to cast a spell on you, you may
counteract the spell by scruffing him.
Squeak Spell: You squeak a squeaky toy and capture everyone's attention!
All other players must touch the square you are currently standing on
before picking up any objects or casting any spells.
Bath Spell: You give your opponent a bath and now he must dry himself off.
Your opponent may not pick up any objects or cast any spells until he has
rubbed himself on fifteen squares of the board.
Bag Spell: You put your opponent in a bag, where he must remain for the
next three turns.  Any other player (including yourself) may pick up the
bag and carry it with them.
We thought of a bunch more spells but... well... you get the idea!
Happy dooking!
Julie, Delta, and Ginger and Pepper (the Spice Weasels)
[Posted in FML issue 3190]