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Thu, 21 Sep 2000 14:57:59 -0400
Sal Arledge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Sorry If I sound out of line, but I'm getting sick of reading all the
Marshall Farm info instead of reading the helpful stuff we all read the
list for.  I don't necessarily agree with Marshall Farms, although all I
know is what I've read here.  I've not been able to see any of the info
that you all find on the internet.  I've tried several times & have yet
to find anything but their public website.  I do not agree with bad and
abusive conditions, nor do I agree with animal testing.  I find it hard to
believe that any of God's creatures ( people) can do that to any of god's
other creatures.  How anyone can look into their cute, little faces &
torture and abuse them, is beyond my understanding.
Someone write me personally & give me an actual site address and then lets
get off this for a while.  Let it go unless something new comes up.
I have a Marshall Farms ferret & he is healthy ( so far) and happy.  I
don't agree with boycotting the animals, they would be the ones to suffer.
It's not his fault where he was born & if someone hadn't adopted him, what
would have become of him???
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[Posted in FML issue 3182]