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Tue, 19 Sep 2000 15:34:20 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
Was rushing to get a phone call in the morning and wound up catching a
toe under the barrier and getting cut.  Fortunately, none of them reacted
like Haleakala did once when I got a finger very cut -- she screamed (the
only time she ever screamed with us).  Seven ignored it, but everyone else
wanted to groom my ouchie, except Scooter.  Scooter checked it out, then
backed up and hiccuped, gazed over and hiccuped and backed up some more,
then looked at me longingly and nervously.  He has been reassured.
We knew that Dick Cheney (Bush's VP candidate) was against the
Environmental Protection Act, and still is with his recent comment that
the only thing that should be endangered about the Act is the Act itself,
but heard something more specific when a trustworthy source told Steve
that Cheney had called Black Footed Ferrets "vermin".  (That was during a
time in the '80s.) Person did not want to be gotten involved which leaves
us officially "sourceless" so take it ONLY as that sort of thing --
second-hand, old recollection from someone who doesn't want to be quoted.
Perhaps it would behoove us all to check sources to see if quotes by ANY of
the candidates on BFFs (and those things which protect them) or on domestic
ferrets can be found for repetition here.  An educated electorate, and all
[Posted in FML issue 3180]