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Sun, 17 Sep 2000 16:53:14 -0400
Tracy Colangelo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Today, I have stopped crying enough (I lie) to ask you all to say goodbye
to my buddy, Dook E.  Ferret, and to wish him a safe trip to the Rainbow
The day before I left for the UK on business, Dook E. seemed to be having
trouble making his business.  I gave him a bit of laxatone, and brought
him to my Mom, along with all of his supplies and instructions on what to
do in case (this was the furthest thing from my mine, this will never
happen) ...on what to do if there is a problem.  I told Dook E., 'Mamma
loves you, Buddy, I'll see you in a month'........gave him a kiss and off
I went.......
Once I reached the UK, I got a call that Dookie was very ill.  My Mom
called my friends, whom I can't thank enough.  Lise and Loe came to my
Mom's, checked him, and called more friends, Rob and Liz, who drove an hour
to pick him up, and they brought him to my wonderful vet.  In less than a
weeks time, Dookie underwent 2 surgeries to remove kidney stones that were
stuck in his Urethra.  I knew that this was critical, because he only had
one kidney left after an illness that he barley survived last year.  I
knew, but I'm 3000 miles away, I also had (and have) the utmost confidence
in my friends.  I tried to prepare myself to make a decision, which I did
badly (Is there such a thing???).  Life was the choice for me, but Dookie
Although I tried to prepare myself, nothing here has been able to help me
cope with my loss.  I have no shoulders to cry on, and no hugs to be had.
My buddy, my special friend, who slept in my sock drawer, and woke me up
in the morning with kissies, is gone forever, and I will not enjoy the
pleasure of his company ever again.  My room is empty, and there is a
hole in my heart.
If it ever stops raining here in the UK, I will go to the Nene River, where
I will float a yellow rose in remembrance and honor of Dook E.  Ferret.
There will never be another like him.  I will let him go, and maybe, I will
be able to stop crying.
I would like to end this post with a message for all of you:
Ferrets are very fragile.  They can become very sick and die so quickly,
it can make your head spin.  If you are leaving your ferrets with a friend
or a sitter, say goodbye to them, as if you would never get a chance to see
them again.  You will regret it if you don't, and something happens, I
Also, if you are a ferret owner, and you don't have any friends that own
ferrets, I urge you to seek out your local ferret shelter, or ferret club.
Making contacts within this community can be an invaluable resource.  Even
though I am so far from home, and cannot return, I know that Dookie had
lots of love, and the very best of care, before he passed.  My friends are
the greatest, and I wish that I could hug them all right now.  Thank you
Tracy, missing the Fuzzy Bunch (-1)
[Posted in FML issue 3178]