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Sun, 17 Sep 2000 10:40:49 -0400
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Thanks to everyone who responded to my question as to whether you can use
Advantage on ferrets.  It turns out that Sitra does not have fleas.  Yay!
I think it was simply a case of dry skin.  I gave her a little more
ferretone every day and she has stopped itching entirely.
But anyways, Sitra is about 8 weeks old.  I've had her for 2 weeks thus
far, and in that time span, I have *possibly* heard her "chuckle" or "dook"
(I call it "the happy noise") only once.  And I could even be mistaken on
that one occurance!  I've heard her hiss many times (sometimes just out
of the blue, while she's wandering around the apartment!), I've heard her
whimper (usually when she wants to get out of her cage), and I've heard her
yell or scream (usually when I'm trying to take something away from her).
Why haven't I heard her dook yet?  I would imagine she's happy here, since
she has a huge cage, 5 different toys, and free reign of most the apartment
when someone's home.  I've been spending almost all of my free time
cuddling and loving her.  So aside from the fact that she has possibly
never made the happy noise, she seems like a very happy fert.
I am very confused. Maybe she's just not a vocal animal or maybe she's
actually unhappy here. Could she be sad because she doesn't have any ferret
siblings to play with anymore? I was considering getting another baby to be
her playmate.. Well, I don't know what to think of this situation. If
anyone can make sense out of it, please e-mail me or post a response.
A worried Amber and *supposedly* 5 happy babies
[Posted in FML issue 3178]