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Sat, 16 Sep 2000 23:18:16 -0400
Lynn Foster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (90 lines)
Dear FML:
Well it is 10:30 p.m.  Toronto time and I am home from a full second day at
Ferrets 2000.  There was SO much info....I started writing but quickly
realized there was more than I could cope with...a tape is being made of
the days' presentations and I put my name down for one.  I am going to view
it again and than lend it to my vet.
The wise and wonderful Bill Gruber aka BIG, opened the days activities
with some words of wisdom and than introduced the first speaker, Dr. Tom
Williard, of Totally Ferret.  [Words of wisdom at THAT early hour? Ha! BIG]
Dr. Williard gave an very informative and scientific talk on the origins
and the basis for the formulation of his food.  It was interesting and
scarry to see the kinds of contents that can be legally included in pet
foods and how the industry really is still not regulated to protect the
consumer and the pets from inferior and inappropriate nutrition.
I have fed TF to my ferrets for quite a while now and always felt secure in
knowing that I was giving them a high quality diet ( I am not prepared to
provide live mice!!!!).  Very interesting presentation from a person who is
committed to continuing to learn and adapt his product for the good of our
Next to speak was Gary Hollowicki, of Timmy's Tonic.  Gary spoke on the
need for vigilance in what we eat and how our food is raised and the
correlation between diet and disease and its application to our ferrets.
He talked about considering holistic healing and herbal remedies for
ferrets and also showed some interesting video recorded from TV programs
to document environmental poisoning.
Than Bob Church spoke.  Bob talked about the origins of domestic ferrets,
the why and wherefore of some of the more interesting aspects of their
behavior and how to enhance their environment to make it more suitable for
their polecat-like needs.  It was a great presentation filled with Bob-like
humour and great and easy ways to make ferrets' lives better.  You really
have to see the video as my reporting does not do it justice!!!
Lunch was great with amazing desserts.
Than Dr. Bruce Williams spoke.  He spoke for over three hours and the time
went so fast I could not believe it.  It was amazing and mind bogling and
simply too much information to relay here.  But I think I finally know what
killed Molly my little white ferret who I cam home from work one day and
found curled up and dead by her food dish.  I always imagined a heart
attack but I think she died of a ulcer.  She had dark stools (which I now
realize were blood) and had been probably been grinding her teeth which I
had missed because she had taken to staying in the tubes.
What Dr. Williams had to say was info that should be delivered to every =
ferret owner and vet who needs some help with their ferret knowledge.  He
also had slides which may or may not show up on the video.  I am going to
ask him if he can possibly put the slide part of his presentation in some
form and make it available to us to supplement the video.
I cannot stress how informative he was and all the questions that came from
the audience were benchmark questions for ferrets illnesses and his answers
were honest and forthrite on the necessary treatments and prognosis.  You
really have to see it.
One sad and sobbering part of the day came late in the afternoon when it
was announced that Randy Belair had to leave for a while to help one of her
shelter ferrets to the Bridge.
The question and answer period was also full of tough questions and =
great answers and it seems that if two themes came from the day it was =
the following.
1. We need to have an organization at an international level that can
lobby on behalf of ferrets and ferret owners.
2. We need to examine the business of ferret production in North America
and challenge breeders, large and small, to be more responsible in
follow-up on the kinds of creatures and the inbred illnesses that they may
or may not be creating.
I do not know when the video will be ready but I strongly urge that
everyone make sure they have a chance to see and review today, Saturday's,
speakers and specially those of you who live in areas without easy access
to ferret knowledgable vets.  This video is the most up to date info on
ferret nutrition, behavior, and disease treatment from the top North
American experts.
It was a great day but my mind is spinning from all the info.  I got to go
say goodnight to my fuzzies and goodnight to you all from Saturday Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3177]