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Fri, 15 Sep 2000 00:34:50 -0400
Risa Di Vincenzo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
Hello everyone.  Hope a lot of you are having fun at the Ferret 2000.
Mommy really wanted to go too!
Anyways, we're having a slight problem here.  My Mom thinks I'm addicted to
Duck Soup.  She adopted me three weeks ago.  One week into my new home I
got stressed (Mommy was confused, I seemed so happy!) and I started getting
Duck Soup.  Yum!  I took to it right away.  Well, I've been on it for two
weeks now and Mom doesn't understand why I'm not going back to my kibble.
I have my own Mazuri kibble, but I can also sample from my sisters' bowl
(they have Totally Ferret and Iams Kitty).  I'm just not interested.  She
even tried to entice me with ferretone topped Mazuri, but she wasn't
fooling me.  I want my Duck Soup!
Should she continue or is it unhealthy.  I really have her confused.  I'm
willing to eat treats.  I told her I'll eat the Mazuri when I'm ready and
to keep that blender humming with the Duck Soup.  Unfortunately she's not
taking my word for it.  So go on, tell her it's Ok. (-:
Love, fuzzie Jill   (aka Lady Jilte)
[Posted in FML issue 3175]