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Wed, 13 Sep 2000 21:49:26 -0700
keisha l <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
My new baby girl is 10 weeks old now, I have had her for 4 weeks.  She is
my first ferret.  I have read many books and stuff about them, and love
mine to death.  She is a real nipper, if I need to hold her in place for
more then 30 seconds, she gets real mad.  I know she is still young, but
she can bite hard, so I am afraid, she will just cont.  to bite.  I have
givin up ever finding bitter apple in anystore, so I am saying "NO" and
pushing my fingure in her mouth a little.  But she nips so much, her month
is always open looking to nip, it is all non stop, so when I go to say no,
she is bitting somewhere else.  I love her to death, she is just so cute
and smart.  If there is any tips you have on ferrets, that is not in most
books or things like that I would love to know.  I know expercince is best.
So if you have learned some tricks, or certain thing that work best let me
Another thing, like I said Sierra is 10 weeks old, I have had her since 6
weeks old.  I bought her some soft canned food, until her teeth came in and
some dry ferret food.  She always had both in her cage.  But now the only
thing she will eat is the dry food, she will never take any treats or
nothing, not even the canned food.  Will she always only want this one
food, I read to give them some treat when they do something good, but she
could care less about food.
Let me know what to expected, she is changing everyday.  Thanks for all
your help!!!!
Keisha and Sierra
[Posted in FML issue 3174]