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Thu, 12 Oct 2000 22:32:26 -0700
nikki5alive <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
hello guys,
NIKKI here again with some more questions for you.  MY ferret Slinky has
been doing alot of sleeping lately, even before Moki came.  I just realised
it today when I saw how alert and active moki was compaired to slink.  Is
there a possability that it is here nature to be less active?  could it be
the food she has been eating(mostly cat food high quality)?????  At what
point do I need to worry about it?  She has been rousable, alert when awake
and still playful.  thanks for the help again.
One question to thoose going to the ferret day in merrimack NH is there a
raindate?  It looks like rain is a possability.
Also just wanted to let ya'll know Moki has fit in quiet well here.  He
has his own cage for now and gets along well with the cats and my dog.
However I am a bit sad today.  We gave away our dog that we have had for
1 1/2 yrs :O(.  Her and my husband never bonded at all and she thinks the
ferrets should be taste treats.  Please pray God watches over her for me.
i was very sad to see her Go.  I have had her sense Sundae was a pup.  se
was only 2weeks when I picked her out.
thanks for all your help.
Love, laughter and prayers
NIKKI<SLINKY<And Moki(pronounced mokey long O)
[Posted in FML issue 3173]