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Mon, 11 Sep 2000 09:16:06 EDT
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PETA was not the only one boycotting Marshall Farm atrocities in France.
There were FIVE other major animal protection groups.  Marshall Farms,
apparently, intended on putting the animals in small cages where they could
barely turn around, and cram puppies into small rusted cages like they have
been cited for doing here.
France has better laws than the United States on this and does not permit
inhumane treatment of animals until they are being experimented on.
Housing for them must be humane until they are sent out to their miserable
You can check out the Doris Day Animal League, American Anti-Vivisection
Society, Talis, and Pro Anima, and Ligue Contra La Vivesection.
For further info on their abuse of ferrets you can see the complaints
filed with the New York State Education Department Office of Professional
Discipline.  The Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights was one of
those complaintents.  Turns out that Marshall FArms uses NON-veterinarians
to perform surgeries on ferrets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am just passing on what is easy to find on the web about the atrocities
of the puppy mill: Marshall Farms.  I am sure the puppy mill would have
sued the USDA or The Association of Vetrianarians for Animal Rights if
this was all falsified.
[Posted in FML issue 3172]