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Fri, 8 Sep 2000 23:53:34 CDT
Denise Davis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (81 lines)
I would like to send a prayer to all sick Fuzzies and the one that have
passed to the Rainbow Bridge....The Ferret Mama's Haven of La.
With much sad news today,
I am wanting to let everyone know that we have losted a very special little
one from our Shelter/Rescue.
The nite before Labor Day I posted a post to have prayers for my Gizmo.
During the nite Gizmo started to seizure and his precious little life came
to and end at 3:47 am.
As I held Gizmo to my chest when I feel his last breath leave his little
It became a silent still in the air.
This is one feeling I have grow to hate.
It has taken me several days to make this post.
For the last few days have not been easy ones.
I have taken his death very hard.
Over the last 31 years of owning ferrets, I have had many enter the Rainbow
And many a tear had been shed here.
I have been so depressed with the lost of Gizmo this week.
And knowing that all Gizmo wanted in life was a forever home.
The sad thing about this, Is knowing another ferret will probably take his
place here at my shelter.
The newcomers never seem to end.
( A cycle that never ends at a shelter.)
Most of the Ferrets in Shelters are because or irresponsible owners.
I was told my Gizmo's owners, that Gizmo was getting just to old for them to
care for.
(Gizmo was just 4 years old, and this was his 5th placement when he was
given up.)
Gizmo was dumped from one home to another.
I promised Gizmo this would be his lasted and that he would be loved.
In the short time I have know Gizmo, I learned that this little fellow loved
to be held and loved.
He loved to share his kisses to all.
He became a dear friend to me, Yes Ferrets can be friends also...
Alot of Ferrets ending up in Shelters can be prevented if people would learn
Ferrets are not for everyone.
And they take alot of continous care and work.
They need attention and love like children.
Would you give up one of your own children?
As a parent we make a commitment to care for our children.
And so should an owner with their pets.
I am not complaining about being an Shelter operator, I love caring for my
little ones here.
And after 31 years, I have been through hell with alot..
But I get tired too.
I hate seeing these little ones go through what they do.
Please today, if you have a ferret or pet that you don't have the time for.
Make the time, or give them a good quality of life by finding someone who
Don't let them end up in a shelter to die..
Also take them out and let they play. Give them plenty of hugs and kisses.
Don't let them become another Gizmo.
Sandee, Please watch out for my little Gizmo. His Mommie misses him oh so
much here................The Ferret Mama............................
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[Posted in FML issue 3169]