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Print Reply
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 00:23:11 -0700
Jaime Wolf <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hi Sukie (and others)- some more questions- thanks so much for your
response.  I am continually impressed by the time people on the list are
willing to take to write a detailed response to help another of us out.
I really appreciate it!
>We separate shots, use Benedryl beforehand, always wait at the vet's
>about * 45 * minutes afterward, change vaccine type used or drop
>vaccination for a given individual animal if there is severe enough a
>reaction -- depending on how severe it was, what vet advises, and how
>common CDV is in the area.
What do you mean by "separate shots"?  Is there more than one involved
for distemper?  (We were in the waiting room when it was administered,
so I didn't see it...) So are there other vaccines besides Fervac-D and
Sooo, does anyone know how common canine distemper is in N. California?
>Yes, bloody runs can happen as part of the reaction and antibiotics are
>sometimes given to prevent a secondary reaction.  Replacing beneficial
>intestinal bacteria can make sense, too.
Yes, I think that's why the antibiotics were prescribed; we're giving him
the full course.
>There is a new Merial Recombitek CDV vaccine under testing now which so
>far has caused NO reactions.
where is it being tested- the US?  Any idea what stage of testing it's in?
thanks a lot,
[Posted in FML issue 3167]