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Wed, 23 Aug 2000 14:44:28 -0500
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OK, so I don't agree. Here is my response:
>From:  [log in to unmask]
>for half a year.  One died from insulinoma.  Another is dying of it now.
Well, I have a ferret that would have died except for a duck soup with
several herbs.  But it is based on ensure and baby food.  He ate it for
several months when about 2.  He is six now and just fine.  I don't think
you can make any type of reasonable conclusion from what you went through.
Insulinoma can be a form of cancer, as I understand it.  A lot of cancers
are hereditary, I know because I have researched this to the nth degree.
Why?  I lost both my parents, all my aunts and uncles, and several folks
generations back to cancer.  There are many things that can trigger cancer,
so saying one thing is ridiculous.
Even when not cancerous there is something else triggering the production
of the islet cells.  And no one knows what it is.
>I am reading on our FML of these soups with Ensure or Nutrical.
Excuse me?  Nutrical is a paste in a tube for animals, ensure is a liquid
diet supplement for humans.  They are not the same thing.
Besides, you post like a great fan of Bob's chicken gravy, repeatedly and
whole heartedly and his original recipe, as posted on the web by Sam, calls
for a whole tube of nutrical.
But then I have also noticed several changes you have posted to this recipe
and wonder how you can even call it the same thing anymore or how you can
say it gives you the results you get since you are not really feeding it.
>Even without insulinoma, I understood that Ensure was bad to give for more
>than a week or two. ????
I have never heard this. Who told you this?
>Mary of F.A.I.R. yelled at me once for putting ferretone over kibble. The
>kibble becomes rancid, and the ferret sick from this, I believe.
Well I guess if it sat out long enough it would eventually become rancid.
However, it would also depend on how fast the kibble is eaten.  Common
sense here.  Ferretone will go rancid in the bottle if not used fast enough
(this takes some time though).  If you have a question about rancidity,
smell it!!  Easiest way to tell.  Non-rancid fats smell sweet.
Ensure-well I have a can of equate, wal mart brand, here.  It is 16% sugar,
yes high, but it also has 25% protein, and 20% fat.  Mixed with pure meat
baby food, I feel that it is ok to feed the ferts.  The protein is very
important here, protein is what stabilizes the blood sugar in the long run.
Stella is gaining weight on this, and she is not eating as much kibble as
she should be.  Eating anything is better than not eating at all.
[Moderator's note: Personally, I'm a huge fan of Deliver 2.0, from Mead
Johnson.  One of the best supplements out there by far, in my opinion.
It's not sweet, though it does have some corn syrup, and packs quite a
large nutritional punch.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3153]