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Sat, 19 Aug 2000 18:47:27 EDT
"Tarie, Tic and Tack" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
I just returned from the vet with my beautiful little girls and to say I
am in shock would be to easy.  Why was I there??  Well because when I woke
up this morning I discoverd one of my babys was having a really hard time
breathing.  It was more like shallow gasps and she was rubbing her face.
The other one was making all kinds of noises and running back and forth.
Every time the one would stop moving the other would nudge her and pull at
her till she got back up.  I ran for the phone called the vet and they said
bring them in now!!!
Upon our arrival we were seen right away.  The vet looked her over checking
mouth and nose for an obsturction.  NOTHING!  She listened to her heart and
breath sounds and said that her heart was to fast and she was not taking
air.  The other one was excited and had to be right there on the table with
her.  They rushed her back to X-ray and 20 minutes later the vet returned
to show me what they had found, or not found actually!  My poor baby is
only using 6% of both lungs to breath.  The other 94% is either filled with
water, or tissue at first glance.  The give her a shot of Furosdemide to
help her pass the excess fluid in her lungs, gave her some oxygen and me a
subscription for the Furosdemide and told me to watch her closely over the
weekend.  They were going to keep her but decided that she would be better
off with her cage mate at home.  NO they have no idea why this happened and
neither do I.  The x-rays taken showed that she had no tumors, or growths
the blood work ruled out several other things.  I bundled her up and back
home we went.  Upon arriving at home there was a message on my answering
machine to call them ASAP!~ I did just that.  The vet told me that her
partner looked at all the x-rays and they now think that maybe she has a
diaphamatic hernia, meaning that her diapharam has ruptured and sucked her
stomach and intestines up under her lungs causing them to be compressed.
However, they still want me to wait the weekend to see if the meds work and
her breathing becomes eaiser.  Come monday if she is not any better then
they are going to do surgery.  They can't say if she will survive and they
can't say why this happened.
I just don't know what to think now.  I have NEVER heard of such a thing
and I am at a loss as to how to proceeded.  Do I let them operate with less
than a 20% survial estimate or do I just put her down?  Do I keep her home
and let her die here surrounded by our love and that of her cage mate?  If
anyone has every heard of this or god forbid has had a ferret with this
please let me know.  I need to find some answers fast!  On the up side (if
there is one) she is still eating and drinking and she tries to get up and
play a bit but the lack of air she is getting at this point tires her out
in seconds.  She is a real trooper and Loved VERY MUCH!
  T's fuzzies
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[Posted in FML issue 3149]