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Mon, 14 Aug 2000 10:29:08 EDT
Shannon Venis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (16 lines)
Nope, I am not getting rid of any of my kids!!  BUT, at work yesterday a
man and his wife came into the pet store where I work to ask if the store
would take their two ferrets.  Of course we can't do that and I just had
to ask WHY they wanted to get rid of them.  It seems that they have both
been working major overtime and so are never home to allow the fuzzies out
to play or give them the attention that they are used to having.  They both
feel guilty about it and have decided that rather than selfishly keep the
two fuzzbutts and see them be unhappy they are willing to GIVE them and
their cage and toys to a good new owner.  I have agreed to foster them
until a home can be found.  If you are in Missouri ( I am near Kansas City)
and are interested please e-mail me!!  I won't know much about them until
he brings them.  All I know is that one is albino and one is sable, one
male one female, both altered and descented and approximately 2 years old.
I hope you guys can help me find them a great new home!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3144]