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Thu, 10 Aug 2000 17:02:09 -0500
Dana Reale <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hello and Dooks to all!
Our two fuzzies are doing wonderfully, they especially like the bathroom
rug to play hide-and-seek under!  We just have one concern...
Our little boy seems to be very anti-social with us.  He loves to play
with his sister, but he is nervous around us.  When we pet him, he kind
of scoots down, seeming like he doesn't want to be touched.  He will play
with us, but it seems like he doesn't trust us enough to be held or pet.
Are there any trust-building exercises that shelter-parents out there
do to build up trust in an untrusting and anti-social fert?
And if it is possible that he *does* trust us, is this just his
personality, that he doesn't like being touched or something?
We do not play rough with them, and have no idea why he would mistrust us.
But we would very much like to see him get out of this kind of behaviour.
Any help would be wonderful!!!  Feel free to contact me at work:
[log in to unmask] or at home: [log in to unmask]
Happy dooking!
,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_ .-:*'``'*:-.,
                          Dana L. Reale
,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_ .-:*'``'*:-.,
      Wife to the Perfect Husband, and
        "Mommy" to two little ferret kids.
,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_ .-:*'``'*:-.,
[Posted in FML issue 3140]