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Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:17:42 PDT
Dee Eisenman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
I read the post about Squiggles and it made my skin crawl!  I cannot even
imagine what that little one went through.  I only hope that Squiggles will
get well soon and will be jumping and running like all the others!  I also
hope that these sick people (are they people?) are nailed for this and
serve some time in a small cell (similar to what Squiggles was subjected
to).  Wouldn't it be nice if the punishment fit the crime and they had to
live in a small enclosure, swimming in their own fecal matter?  I wish
that were possible.
To Mason, I am so sorry to hear about Pogo.  What a wonderful ferret!
Undoubtedly missing you and waiting on the other side...
I never saw any responses from breeders about angoras, is anyone going to
respond?  The only responses I have recd.  are from two very angry angora
owners who keep accusing me of slander.  If the private emails would stop,
that would be nice.  Post your responses publicly.  I think that if a
response is too flaming to get on the FML, then it is obviously too
offensive to email to a private party, correct?  Use that as a guide.  I
have since blocked those addresses from my inbox.
I find it strange that out of 3000+ ferret owners/breeders on this list,
nobody has anything to voice publicly about angora ferrets.  Very strange
Love your ferrets, for tomorrow is another day.
[Posted in FML issue 3140]