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Sun, 6 Aug 2000 00:38:35 +0200
Flavia CalzecchiOnesti <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Hi everybody!
Whoa!  Three ferrets are one of the most wonderful experinece I've ever
Last saturday I brought the two kids home and... wow!  I gave them a bath
(all three togheter) and that "misery loves company" method worked just
fine to avoid fighting... while they were drying out they had already
started to play and cuddle together!  In a week the two pups have
completely lost the biting attitude, and they get along really well with
my Play.
As for treats, here in Italy it's hard to find something *really* good for
ferrets (I'm waiting for some Cheweasels to arrive from the States hehehe),
and besides, I'm trying to 'educate' some pet shop owners about ferts
'cause they don't know quite anything about them, so I stick to natural
treats: 1-2 raisins, a teaspoon of pineapple or pear natural juice, small
pieces of watermelon (Play goes crazy for it), pear, or banana.
I noticed a thing about food: I've always given Play Hill's Feline Growth
dry food, and he loves it, but lately I tried a ferret food brand called
Fluker's, the only one available here, but they eat more of it and poop
more and they all seem to like it less than Hill's, so I'm going back to
Feline Growth, which seems to have a better effect on their fur as well.
Our best wishes and dooks to all of you!
Flavia and the -Ta da da da ta da - Cat Busters (when my cat saw the new
kids he looked like "Noo!  Two new ferrets!  I gotta find a good place to
Play, (Whoo-hoo! Let's dance baby!)
Goku, (playing is sooo tiring... Gotta take a nap...YAAWN!)
Kiki (hey mom whats that? and this? and that? and that? and this?)
[Posted in FML issue 3135]