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Fri, 28 Jul 2000 13:03:56 EDT
Corynne dejong <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Beau is still not home yet, Wednesday was really hard (it was 2 weeks to
the day).  The ferret that was found in Lynnwood and was going to live with
us went home.  We found his owner Wednesday.  It was really hard to send
him home, especially because they knew he had fleas and earmites, and did
nothing about it.  He was 2 years old and had never gotten his shots (thank
goodness I had them done the day before he went home) I just hope they get
the distemper booster.  We had thought that he was out for quite awhile
since he was so skinny, but he had only been out a night, and they said
they thought he must have had a cold & lost lots of weight within a few
days... I asked them to go to a vet, I really hope they do!  In the
meanwhile... Daisy has gotten really depressed in the last few days, does
anybody know how to deal with a sad ferret?  She doesn't seem to be sick
at all, just sad, she won't eat her craisins!  We were planning on getting
a friend for her but not until after the 4th of August because we will be
gone for that weekend & don't want to have to board another ferret just
when it will be trying to adjust.  Any ideas?  On a happier note, I came
into the office today to find a beanie ferret (Mongoose, weasel, mink -
whatever) sitting on my desk.  My parent's next door neighbor (and 2nd mom)
heard how sad I was that I lost Beau, so she bought him for me.  Boy did
that make me cry!  I may be sad that I'm missing a critter, but I guess I'm
pretty lucky to have people who love me!  Thank you to everyone who has
encouraged me.  I still haven't given up - I put up new bright colored
signs yesterday hoping that more people will notice them.  I also added
Reward to the bottom so hopefully that will bring Beau home!
[Posted in FML issue 3127]