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Fri, 28 Jul 2000 07:31:54 -0700
Marie Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Yes, they can nest in the insulation you have in the house and even under
the bathtub insulation.  WARNING!  Fumigation is bad for the Ferrets and
even for the Humans!  I know for a fact what happens to the ones involved.
I nearly lost my husband from this and also that it has shortened the life
span of my lovable ferrets.  When I moved and shampooed the carpets, the
water stunk to high heavens of fumigation!  Come to find out that my rash
(thought it was from nerves) was also caused by the fumigation.  It has
cleared up!
My vet told me between the fumigation and "Mean Green" (don't buy it) that
the ferrets will died earlier, than what they should. :-(......  So I
trying to make sure that they have a wonderful loving happy life here.
They have Daddy under the FLO Mind Control here, give me the red licorce!
He does, until I tell him no more!
We will be tiling the kids room, ex-owners of our home, left bunches of
display tile and who knows maybe we can do all of the mobile floors
(single wide, 2 bedrm mobile) It will be different.
The Kids love watermelon!  They will climb every stick of furniture to get
to it.
Marie and her 10 Most Wonderful Fur Kidlets
[Posted in FML issue 3127]