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Thu, 20 Jul 2000 10:05:06 -0400
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I have a ferret, Tookie (yes the deaf one:) that keeps getting a swelling
in her throat/neck area.  The swelling seems to be in different places and
it's happened about seven times now.  The first few times she was put on
antibiotics, which takes the swelling down.  The last time it was in a
bad area and it got big very fast.  The vet that I went to this time was
concerned that she wouldn't be able to breath if it got any bigger.  He
used a syringe to draw out some of the fluid inside, he was it was an
abcess.  He opened her up to get more of the fluid out and then placed a
tube in and left it there for a week to drain.  She was also placed on an
antibiotic for an abcess (sorry, I'm a bad mommy because right now I can't
think of the name of the medication).  It worked very well and after this
it was a long time before it came back (a lot longer than when just on
antibiotics) but now it is back.  The swelling is small this time, so the
vet suggested just using the same antibiotic to reduce the swelling, but
it's not working, the swelling has gotten a little larger.  This isn't life
threatening or anything and I know my vet is fully capable of taking care
of Tookie, but what I'm wondering is ... What's causing this?  I've been
told of something called Lumpy Jaw and the only way to fix it is to keep
them on antibiotics for three months, this didn't work either.  Has anyone
had a ferret that has had they same symptoms?  Did you ever find out why?
Any information will be truly appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 3119]