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Tue, 18 Jul 2000 14:49:34 -0700
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There was an article in the local paper about sending Black Footed Ferrets
from the breeding program at the Phoenix Zoo to Ted Turner's Ranch in NM.
What interested me was they told about what they had taught the BF Ferrets
to eat..  RATS.  They were fed ground up rabbits to begin with then larger
chunks of rats.  finally dead rats and then live rats, for them to learn
to kill and eat..  What a solution for NYC's problem with rats!  Teach the
young domestic ferret to imprint on rats for food and turn a couple of
hundred loose in NYC and let them feed on all the rats there.  One article
recently said there were more rats than people in NYC.  It would have to
be young ferrets 'cause all the older ones have imprinted on kibble....
Before anyone gets upset,  I mean this as a joke....
The Ferret Grandma..
[Posted in FML issue 3117]