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Sat, 1 Jul 2000 00:33:28 -0000
D CHRISTEN <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Hello everyone,
This is truly not ferret related, but i have to share w/someone.  My
21 year old daughter had to take her greyhound, Trevor to an Emergency
Hosp tonight and help him to cross over...he had bone cancer, and it was
a fast one...a very large tumor on his leg, and he finally broke the leg
tonight... Trevor is a bright shining star in the sky tonight for him
mommy...she loved him and he loved her more.  Trevor has taught us alot
about Greyhounds... especially the ones that are adopted from the racing
group.  Trevor had actually broken his right hind leg racing, and it was
his right front that had developed the tumor.  My Lynnie is very stoic (?),
she has not had an easy life growing up...but she loves animals as well as
her mom, and her grandmother.  Her heart has been broken tonight...and mine
just breaks all the more, for her losses, as she is my baby.  Please keep
her in your prayers that she heal the wounds of her loss... My ferrets
would often torment Trevor, cause he was just a shy boy...and they seemed
to know it.  Sandee, is there a place for Trevor on the other side of the
bridge?  He used to do his "duty", and he seemed so relieved that he did
what we would call the Trevor Dance, he would bounce and bound around the
yard, as far as his lonnnnng leash would let him go...we couldn't let him
out w/out being on a lead, cause he would just run and run, there were a
few times we had to chase him, and greyhounds are good for the chase.
Lynn, Lynn was w/her Trevor till the end, and gave him many kisses and
loves from mommy and grammy...
I couldn't go w/her, because i had to take my husband to the hospital for
stitches...he did a belly flop on the train track.  He works for Amtrak.
The 2nd time i couldn't be w/my daughter when she got this horrible news
about her dog.
Missing Lead on Trevor,
Miss Athena
by his mommy, grammy, grampy, and all the tormentors...especially the
little girls...
prayers for all the mommys and daddys that have lost little ones our
hearts ache for you also
[Posted in FML issue 3100]