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Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:39:26 -0400
Jennifer Hudson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
I received an email regarding giving ferrets latex toys.  Below is my reply
to the person, I just wanted my answer to be public in case this turns into
a major war.  I agree latex is not the best material to give a ferret, but
can anyone deny how much they lose those toys???  As I put in my message,
almost everything that can be chewed or scratched by a ferret is
potentially dangerous.  It is our responsbility as loving ferret owners to
protect them form those dangers.  I honestly have more problems with fleece
toys than any latex toy ever given to one of my guys!  As soon as any toy
shows teeth marks, out it goes....
Email as sent:
Did you actually view one of those auctions???  Each auction for the toys
(sisal and latex) indicate the danger.  My personal stand, EVERY toy you
give a ferret can be dangerous.  Heck, hammocks can be chewed and fabric
swallowed.  I worry more about my guys digging up some carpet where I don't
see it than giving them the latex toys.  The auctions expressly indicate
that toys should be inspected and used only under close supervision.  I
toss toys on a regular basis and the toys I've had most problems with are
those fleece toys sold specifically for ferrets.
This goes to one of those owner responsibility debates.  I've never had
a ferret with an intestinal blockage of any kind, but I am also involved
with my ferrets very closely, play with them on the floor everyday numerous
times.  I round up all toys after bedtime every night, they are inspected
and tossed back into the bin for the guys to drag out the next day.  I
agree latex toys should not be placed in cages where the ferrets spend
unsupervised hours with them.  I believe I covered the dangers of latex
toys on the auctions, as well as sisal cat toys.
Thanks again to everyone who made round 1 of the Mira-thon a success!!
Keep looking, more auctions are being posted again, including very ferret
specific items such as NEW harnass/leash set, 32 oz water bottle,
ferretone, ferret kongs, hanging sleep sack, etc.!!  Remember to search
for 'PFRA', which appears in every title, and you will see everything we
have going!
Hugs to all,
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 3098]