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Mon, 19 Jun 2000 13:02:01 +1200
Maria L Parker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
It's been awhile since i've checked my email so this may be a little
It's always interesting to hear about the adorable things that each
individual fuzzy gets up to,
My old ferret, Tiberius, has an ear fettish, he will do a really thorough
job of cleaning your ears!  He has also recently learnt, since having
wobbly back legs, that if he stands next to the bed and looks at it and
then at me, that I will lift him up there.
Our most recent addition, Savage (he's not anymore, but, the name stuck),
is extremely inquisitive and manages to clamber into the 15kg sack of the
Rottweilers Tux biscuits.  He doesn't eat them, he just drags them out one
by one, and stores them behind the bed.
Oh, ferret math is having an effect on me again!  We are getting another
little girl this afternoon, so much for my original idea of one ferret.
We are up to 4!!
Meghan, Tiberius, Felicity, Savage and Un-named
[Posted in FML issue 3087]