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Sat, 17 Jun 2000 10:21:02 -0500
Debi & David Christy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
I think you're well on the way to curing your biter.  You've obviously done
the hardest part... figuring out what causes him to bite... fear of hands.
Now it's just a long tedious process of bloody fingers and hands while he
learns that your hands won't hurt him.  Try offering him treats with your
bare hands.  Smear your fingers & hands with Ferretone.  Always let him
see your hands approaching before you touch him.  Wearing gloves will not
help the ferret's problem.  He needs to be able to smell the "safe" hands.
Please be patient.  This kind of biter may take months to learn to trust,
and even then, may occasionally "test" you to see if you'll hurt him.
Many young ferrets (under 1 year) cry or whimper when scruffed.  You can
scruff him, to hold him, but do it gently with lots of soothing words and
ear scratching and petting so that he can learn that this is non-aggressive
action from you and not the precursor to abuse.  This would be a good time
to gently rub his mouth with Ferretone smeared fingers or offer him a treat
and then gently lower him to the floor and release him, still offering the
treat.  Scruff him and cuddle him against your chest, being VERY careful
about getting him too close to your face.  Chins & noses rip open just as
easily as fingers.
The hardest thing to do in cases like this is to *consistently* remember to
approach him slowly and non-aggressively.  Don't stare at him, especially
when you have him scruffed.  Prolonged eye-contact represents hostility or
competition for dominance.
Debi Christy
Ferrets First Foster Home
[Posted in FML issue 3086]