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Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 Aug 2000 14:14:27 -0500
text/plain (40 lines)
Tweezil has been bitten by a brown spider I think.  I've been watching the
wound and before it started healing (with my help of course) it had gotten
as large as a quarter with the middle being eaten out.  Larry said to keep
it clean and I'd been applying triple antibiotic ointment.  Only problem
was each time I applied the antibiotic it would ooze again so I quit and it
quit.  Now the outside is not hard and the inside is healing.  The inside
is still the size of a dime (where it had eaten outwards) and I check it
The spider, well I think I found it and as much as I don't like harming
another being, this particular spider that I found will not ever bite a
Tweezle didn't act as if it was painful nor did he mess with it.  For me it
is painful to look at though.  I'd much rather the spider had bitten me and
not Tweezle.
Plumbing is still out but hopefully tomorrow morning that problem will be
fixed.  Finally found a plumber that is willing to at least try and fix it.
Roto Rooter had to reschedule me for the end of this week.  The ferrets
have noticed me carrying buckets of water towards the front door and try to
beat me there.  I've sloshed more sudsy water on me than I'd care to think
about (yuck - wet clothes...).  (none on the ferrets)
A word of advice - value your plumbing. :-)
Thank you to all that sent well wishes.  Things aren't always rosey and I
normally try to take everything in stride.  I know there is a reason for
everything that happens and some day the reason for our trials will be
clear.  I know it will get better, truly I do. :-)
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3137]