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Sun, 22 Oct 2000 22:09:49 -0500
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Hi all!  My Nougat had adrenal surgery recently and is recovering nicely.
He had adrenal disease on the left and right gland, but we only had the
left removed as the right is really attached lenghthwise to the vena cava
and it was not horrible-looking, according to my vet.  We will treat the
remaining disease with monthly shots, I forgot the name of the medicine.
He gets the first one in a couple of weeks.
Ferret math has now hit me- my hubby, Brian, and I went to the GCFA ferret
show in Wheaton last month and came home with two little girls from the
Kozy Critters shelter.  I snuck the ferret carrier into my car's trunk
without Brian's knowledge, while he was showering.  He had said no more
ferrets after our existing ones, but changed his tune when he saw the
shelter ferrets.  I was disappointed to not have met anyone from the FML at
the show, but once we started looking at adopting ferrets, I forgot about
the humans!  They were named Jasper and Mickey, and we renamed them Minnie
and Max, after a couple of sorceress' assistants in a Las Vegas show we saw
on vacation in April (their full names were Minimus and Maximus).  They are
biters, though, which we are not used to.  The shelter thought the guy who
had them before us teased them through their cage bars.  Now I realize just
how nice my boys are (my original four, minus dearly departed Smidgy).  I
would appreciate advice on dealing with the biting- I know I can search
the archieves, but I don't get out much and email is my main source of
communication with people!  Minnie and Max are about 8 months old, both
female, neutered, and will bite if you reach toward their faces.  If you
pick them up from behind, Minnie will behave for a minute, then turn her
head back to bite your hands.  Max is pretty much the same, but she will
continue to bite at you until you either let her go or she gets you.
Minnie's bites are more playful, I think.  We let them out by themselves
for about an hour every day, and play with cat "teasers" and with them in
general as much as possible.  Minnie keeps scratching at the closed bedroom
doors and I keep spraying bitter apple on the carpet there and picking her
up and moving her to the living room, but eventually she gets pissed and
tries to bite me.  I need advice on how to handle them with minimal wounds,
and how to trust them.  Minnie acts like she wants to play, follows me and
jumps at my legs, but I'm afraid to let her too close.
Does anyone else that was at the show on Sept.  30th know the name of the
cagemaker's who were there?  We wanted to buy one from one of the guys,
and I can't find his card.  I think his name was Gary, but the business
name, I can't recall.
Hope to hear from some of you!
Dawn Wolf- ferret addict
Gherkin- I can smell that cucumber from a mile away!
Wookie (the Big Man)- where's that !@*?! squeaky toy?
Nougat- I won't give up the sock, no way!
S'much- Look! I can bite my own ass! (Big Daddy reference!)
Max- sassy girl
Minnie- I'm not Evil-Lyn!
Sushi the Akita Chow- Which way did they go, which way did they go?
Brian, the hubby!
Sweet Smidgy at the Rainbow Bridge :(
[Posted in FML issue 3214]