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Sat, 21 Oct 2000 19:24:30 -0500
Dawn Tepley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (114 lines)
[Posted in two parts, combined.  BIG]
Hi Dee,
>the showing of animals - it is very cruel.
I breed and show rabbits.  I agree that it can be very stressful.  In my
HO though, I do not believe it to be cruel.  Stressful - it definately can
be!  (But, there are many things you can do for your animals to make them
more comfortable and to ease their stress.)
>Shows expose your animals to unknowns, such as diseases.  Do we know
>everything about how ADV is spread?  NO!
Possibility of catching a disease - Yes.  But diseases are all around us
constantly.  You could pick up ADV anywhere, not just neccesarily at a
show.  You cannot give a shot for ADV but you can help prevent other
diseases by using vaccines.  Thus, your ferrets aren't totally vulnerable
to most diseases.
And you are right, we do not know how ADV is spread.  But we can't live our
lives in fear of our ferrets catching something.  We can be careful and
take precautions, but we cannot prevent everything.  If it happens, it
happens, and we deal with it.  This is all my HO, and I respect you for
having yours.  I just wanted to share my thoughts on this.
Shows are a GREAT opportunity to meet people, ask questions, and learn a
wealth of information.  My HO (boy I use that expression alot! :-) is that
it is worth it to go instead of fretting about catching a disease.
>I know of a shelter in my area who claimed that the only reason they had
>kits available was because a pregnant ferret came in and they could not do
>anything about it.  I find it amusing that this same shelter has repeatedly
>produced kits since then.  Now it could be that this shelter is getting
>alot of pregnant jills in, I don't know, but it is possible.  I don't
>think that is the case.
It does not SEEM likely that this shelter is receiving preg.  jills, but
like you said you do not KNOW for sure.  You should talk to them and get
the truth.  Making judgments from what we can SEE and not by what we KNOW
is not a good thing to do.  Being that sometimes we can be very wrong about
someone or something.  I know from experience.  I am not saying you are
wrong, but its better to look before you leap :-)
>On the note about shelters remaining shelters NOT breeders, I agree as
>well.  Most shelters that I have seen, that do breed, are doing it to
>generate more money BUT how many times does a person come in to adopt and
>end up taking a kit instead of the >older ferret?
I to, know breeders who have shelters.  They do the best they can for their
shelter ferrets as well as their breeding ferrets.  They sell many of
shelter ferrets as well as kits.  But, the shelters you know of could be
like you said.  I do not know who they are so who am I to say? :-)  But, I
think that it is good for breeders to have shelters also.  We need all the
shelters that we can get (as long as they are responcible.)  That is my HO
though, and many others have different ones.  What would the world be like
(or the FML for that matter) without different thinking people :-)
>>breeders on the board continuously bash one another when I feel
>>they're all guilty animal abuse.  We all have our own opinions of
>>what's considered a *beautiful/gorgeous/perfect* ferret.  But to
>>me the *beautiful/gorgeous/perfect* ferret is the one that is
>>healthy, happy, and well cared for.  I think we should all rethink
>>our actions and motives. If you're going to be a breeder than
>>breed, but don't go around defaming all other breeders because
>>they do not conform to "your" standards.
>My point exactly!  Everyone has different standards and that is what
>makes ferretry interesting.  If you read the FML lately, there are a few
>individuals who appear that their way is the only "right" way.  Well, I
>don't think so.  The thing that irks me is that all breeders had to start
>somewhere, so why don't those of you who breed think back and remember
>how many mistakes you made when you started out.  I bet nobody bashed you
>on the FML.  Let's remember that.
I do not agree with Breeding as being cruel.  But there are a few bad
breeders out there that are cruel.  Please, do not clump all breeders into
the category of 'cruel' just because of a few bad ones.  Breeders are some
of the best people you will ever meet, and are out there for the good of
ferrets.  Yes, the different breeders have different standards, but I do
not think that they are bashing each other!  Yes, they may argue about
their opinions, but that is not neccesarily bashing.
>Ferretry is a CONTINUAL learning experience.
I totally agree with you!!! :-)
>even breeders out there who are stuck in their ways and wont accept new
>information about breeding because they think they are experts in the
>field.  I wonder if some of them are reading this, I hope so.
I know that you have been having some disagreements with the ________ and
if you are directing this towards them, they are not like that (My HO).
They are helpful people in the ferret community.  My Grandmother once told
me "There are many people you will meet in the world, but you cannot be
best friends with them all."  You know why?  Because we all are very
different and unique.  We all think and believe differently.  Fighting will
not help.  Do not be mad at me.  I am just trying to share my thoughts and
I hope you will think a little bit about what I have said.  Again, I am not
flaming you, I do not hate you, I am not trying to be a know-it-all, I just
thought it might give you some insight :-)
Best Wishes,
Heidi and The Crew of 2 +1= 4 (We know our math REALLY well! ;-)
Li Li - Mommy! Not ANOTHER picture!!!
Francis -Now what can I do?...<sniff>..<sniff>..Aha!.........hehehe!!!
Ralph - Ok mom, I am ready for my portrait!
Katie - MOMMA!!!  Francis messed up my hair!  Now I look dreadful!!!
   "A Buisness of kaos, is not a buisness as we know.  Its a group of
    happy ferrets with their little toy ball."
[Posted in FML issue 3213]