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Mon, 11 Sep 2000 09:03:32 EDT
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A new client walked into my office on Saturday.  A Russian Jew.  We spoke
for several hours.  As a youth, he spent 2 years in Aushwitz, and 5 years
in a refugee camp.
He said that even when Germany had lost the war: even when the towns and
cities of Germany lay in rubble: even while the German people starved--the
death machine rolled on.  With no hope and no money and the war over, the
Germans flew in two little girls from Norway to the camp.  Flew them in to
kill them.  Two little girls.
That is what Marshall Farms-the puppy mill-reminds me of after reading the
latest articles you pointed out to me.  They don't seem to change from the
years they are cited.  Don't care about the suffering, or conditions.  Keep
mistreating the animals despite the Federal Inspectors first visit.  And
them about half of them go on to be tested for toxic substances or other
experiments causing suffering and loneliness of an intelligent and
sensitive animal.
If these animals-our ferrets-could speak up and vote--you know that the
Marshalls would most likely be in jail for life.  Is it all right with you
personally to inhumanely treat ferrets like this because they sell some
ferret stuff???  Or because some of the researchers that use ferrets for
experiments found some scientific data on the ferret??  MaYBE IT IS.
Doesn't that remind you of the experiments in the camps on Jews and gypsies
and Polish Christians ??  Would it have been all right with you if a few
scientific discoveries had come out of that ??
Read of the conditions these animals are forced to live in.  It is
horrendous.  None of these reports have anything to do with PETA.
Go to www.askjeeves.com.  Type in USDA and Marshall Farms.  Roll down to
Mamma.com and click on ferret abuse.  Be prepared for truth.
USDA-----Marhall Farms---Ferret Abuse
The four main reports covered just in this site are
"Marshall Farms Hit by Federal Inspectors"
MF kit Freezes to death in Transit
Ferret lover Saves over 120 kits stranded==these are Marshall Farms ferrets
And a report of USDA Inadequate Regulations of Ferret Transport
Federal Inspectors found NUmerous broken or rusted sharp wires protruding
into pens
There is INadequate floor space to move
Ferrets cannot walk on the mesh of 1 by 1 inch, so seem to swim across the
rusted floors with sharp wire polking up during their life
GROSSLY unsanitary veterinary procedures...
In time--we will be able to change the laws and put these puppy mills out
of business.  In the meantime-all of us can make a difference.  The
Marshall Farms sells products that we don't have to buy.  Their poor
ferrets with the two tattoos in on ear do not have to be purchased.
The children and I discussed these things this weekend.  We are going to
make up flyers with the information on this puppy mill and pass out the
pamphlets, and let other kids know.  I am not going to buy another Marhall
Each of you will decide for yourself if you are going to promote atrocities
like those cited by the Federal Inspectors against Marshall Farms, or
boycott their products as we did when we stopped buying Tuna.
My thoughts for the day on this subject.
[Moderator's note: OK, I can tell we are about to enter another Marshall
Farms debate.  And people will point out bad and good, both substantiated
and not.  And in the end it will get ugly and I'll put a stop to it and
few feelings on the subject will have been significantly changed.
Of course, it CAN stay civil if we all try just a bit... we'll see.  (One
thing that would help is to attempt to give the source of any information
posted so readers can look up the full story on their own if they care to
do so.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3172]