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Mon, 28 Aug 2000 23:23:51 -0400
Bob & Lynn & 6 Precious Fuzz Babies <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
We take Taz and Bootz in for their yearly distemper shot tomorrow, which is
Tuesday.  This is Taz's 1st yearly shot, and this will be Bootz since he
apparently never was vacinated by previous owner due to she was scared of
a reaction.  Bootz is 8 months old so we want to make sure he gets his.
Please keep Taz and Bootz in your prayers and thoughts today after you read
this, hopefully they will not have a bad reaction to the distemper shot as
some of you have had.  Their appointment is for 10:00 am, so will let you
all know how it went.
I told them I am staying there for a good hour to make sure they don't have
a reaction, and already the staff is making fun of us saying that most
reactions happen within 15 minutes and there is no need for us to stay,
well, I disagree, we are staying until I am sure they are fine with the
shot.  Will let you all know how it went.  Hope you all have a nice day.
give your fuzzies big hugs for us.
Lynn & Bob
Taz, Sharkie, Jack, Jill, Bootz, Daisy
[Posted in FML issue 3158]