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Mon, 21 Aug 2000 18:38:17 -0400
Marion Houle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
I agree with Judy, we need some more funny stories to offset the FML ...
but first, my prayers and thoughts are with those with sick fuzzies, or
fuzzies who have just crossed the Bridge; my heartfelt condolences to the
mommies and daddies - having lost 2 within 6 months, I can emphatize
Now on to the funny part ....  If I were a ferret I'd ...
get together with my 5 other brothers and sisters and think up new things
to drive mom nuts ... we can't do any of the following because we have
already done them:
a) get wet in the tub and roll in the cat's clumping litter (mommy had to
spend a whole afternoon combing - and cursing - us out)
b) dig up the plants and eat the styrofoam (but the fun part was we got
lots of ferretone and laxatone - the funniest though was watching mommy go
through all 6 of our poops because she didn't know whose poop was whose!)
c) inhale dried apple pieces instead of chewing them (one of our brothers
did this and had to spend the night in the vet, it cost mommy alot of
money, all because he doesn't chew his food - but the best part - he had
white poopies!!!)
d) eat the cat's food because the kitties really need it - but it tastes so
good (my cat's are fed homemade food which is raw chicken with supplements
for diabetic cats!!  - not meant for fuzzies)
e) bite mommy's ankles when she is bent over the tub washing her hair
(the loud bang she made when her head banged the tub really scared us)
f) fall asleep so deeply that even though we are warm and breathing, we
don't wake up and mommy thinks we are in a coma (sheesh - why does she
keep checking on us anyway?  we're fine!!)
There's my six for today, I can't wait to read everyone else's ...
[Posted in FML issue 3151]